Essay on my college life
Science Research Essays
Monday, August 24, 2020
Examine citically the ways in which Marxist Theory seek to establish a Essay
Analyze citically the manners by which Marxist Theory look to build up a connection among Law and the Economy - Essay Example From the Instrumentalist perspective, free enterprise and its impacts on the regular workers is needy upon the decision class’ dissemination of monetary force. The monetary base is comprehended to be responsible for deciding all other social establishments, for example, criminal law, religion and the media. The media passes on mass interchanges that help keep up private enterprise and verifiable archives accept that the insight of whenever period is commonly held by the decision class. Entrepreneurs, the rich and the administration, including the legal framework, control social structures to keep up business as usual which empowers them to hold a component of matchless quality. Therefore, Capitalists’ power relies upon the creation and implementation of the overarching law. Instrumentalists affirm, in any case, that the industrialist state must be moderately self-ruling so as to best serve an entrepreneur society. â€Å"Its relative autonomy makes it feasible for the s tate to assume its class job in a roughly adaptable manner.â If it truly was a straightforward instrument of the decision class, it would be lethally restrained in the exhibition of its role.â Its operators totally need a proportion of opportunity in choosing how best to serve the current social order.†2 Instrumentalists battle that the state functions as a deliberate and arranged instrument for the matchless quality over society: â€Å"Instrumental exercise of intensity by individuals in key positions who either control state legislative issues legitimately (direct instrumentality) or through the activity of weight on the state (backhanded instrumentality).†3 While Marxist scholars concur that private enterprise accommodates the prosperity of the social world class by the abuse of the common laborers, some contrast in their justifications of how an entrepreneur country achieves this.  Instrumental Marxism sees law as an instrument of the decision class
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Living with Feng Shui :: essays research papers
â€Å"Your home is your sanctuary,†however, when entered, does the home make sentiments of stress and bedlam, rather than quieting and giving asylum? Regardless of how much an individual cleans, a home can at present feel as though it is in steady chaos. The Chinese usually cure these grumblings by utilizing the specialty of feng shui. Straightforward arrangement of specific articles in mapped territories of a home can carry extraordinary break to an in any case riotous condition. American culture arranges feng shui as simply one more thought dependent on strange notions, for instance, dark felines and broken mirrors. As a matter of fact, feng shui, articulated â€Å"fung shway,†is the antiquated art of deciphering and controlling vitality in the earth to make amicable space by animating great chi’, or vitality, and staunching the negative stream. Feng shui, which means wind and water, was made dependent on the old Taoist mystical point of view toward nature. The Taoist’s inspected their general condition and saw the solidarity in the various components of the universe. By distinguishing the vitality in the land around them, the Taoist’s had the option to bring up the regions that would ensure, prosper, or ‘be at one’ with the earth. In the book, â€Å"Taoist Feng Shui†, Susan Levitt clarifies: â€Å"In nature they detected ‘chi’ vitality, the breath of life no matter what. Taoist perception of nature presumed that bended, streaming lines moderate chi’ and bring bounty. Agreeable chi moves in a bended, agile line, as though following the characteristic course of a waterway. Sharp, straight lines bring ‘sha’ chi, or terrible chi (2).†     The Taoists accept that all vitality is adjusted. This coalition, called Tao, is spoken to by the figure of the yin and yang. Generally, the yin is dim, female, and inviting; the yang is light, male, and forceful. Yin and yang are accepted to be associated with each other and continually fluctuating, each praising the contradicting other. Instances of this relationship can be seen all over the place: 12 PM and early afternoon, mountains and valleys, blistering and chilly, prepared. Without one, there is no other (Levitt 6).      In request to outline the chi in a specific territory or home, a feng shui compass must be utilized. This compass, the ba-gua, is made out of eight trigrams, or lines stacked three high, orchestrated to make an octagonal focus ring. The ba-gua map is isolated into eight separate segments and the middle, with each segment speaking to an alternate life territory. These regions are acclaim, riches, family, information, profession, accommodating individuals, youngsters, connections, and, in the inside, wellbeing (The Ba-Gua, standard.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Must-Read Black Feminist Literature
Must-Read Black Feminist Literature Lets pay homage to the pioneering black women who were magical before the inspiration of the hashtag, and to those among us today whose sharp use of words continue to illuminate and provoke. Here are a few texts (merely a drop in the bucket) of black feminist literature to ponder for International Womens Day. If you dont see your favorite here, share it! Aint I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism by bell hooks This groundbreaking, classic, required reading for feminists, regardless of race, yet uniquely speaking to the black woman experience this book sits at the top of the Black Feminist Literature list. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Adichie is inarguably one of the greatest minds and voices of our time. This book, a printed version of a TED Talk speech Adichie delivered is as concise as it is necessary. It has received due praise, been sampled on a Beyoncé single, and remains a fixture on any reputable feminist lit syllabus. If you havent read this by now, you are out of excuses read it today. The Light of Truth: Writings of an Anti-Lynching Crusader by Ida B. Wells Ms. Wells may not have called herself a feminist, but her stance against violence, her pursuit of truth, and her unwavering ability to use journalism and activism to combat racism and sexism places her amongst the great feminists of history. She was a suffragist as well as fighting to end violence against African Americans her writing, written in the early 1900s is still relevant today. Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America by Melissa Harris Perry Perry provides an in-depth analysis into the complexities and nuances of how black women see themselves juxtaposed with how they are seen in society. Using literature and political theory, Perry has created a monumental must read work. You Cant Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson Comedian, actress, feminist, and writer gives an insightful and hilarious portrait of a young black womans journey today. Bad Feminist: Essays by Roxane Gay This collection of essays explores the tumultuous relationship Gay has with the term feminist as well as what the word may or may not imply. She examines race, sexuality, and popular culture with wit and candor, and shares deeply personal experiences and how they inform her beliefs. The Women of Brewster Place by Gloria Naylor This work of fiction is about strong women who are the pillars of a dilapidated housing development. Surviving and thriving together, the women both heal and hurt one another as they navigate the throws of urban life. Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love So Much More by Janet Mock This haunting and inspiring memoir is a must read. Mock, an author, advocate, and TV host, describes her experiences as a transgender black woman dealing with harsh socioeconomic realities, abuse, and family dysfunction. Mock examines gender, homophobia, race, and class in this necessary read. What are your recommendations for black feminist literature? This post is part of our International Women’s Day celebration. See all the posts here. Also In This Story Stream To Reach The Farthest Sea Double Erasure: Latin American Women Writers 5 Books by Queer Women Books for the Jewish Feminist 5 Latin American Women Authors to Read Right Now Welcome to International Womens Day 2017 at Book Riot Romance Without Feminism is No Longer an Option Flaunt Your Lady Love, Book Fetish Style Feminist Middle Grade Books Madonna and the Madwoman: On the Women of Jose Rizals Classic Noli Me Tangere 5 Women of Color Who Are Changing The World For The Better Fiction That Breaks Sexist and Racist Stereotypes On Writing as a Woman 4 French Feminist Writers Celebrating Women View all international women's day 2017 posts-->
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Refutation Definition and Examples
In rhetoric, refutation is the part of an argument in which a speaker or writer counters opposing points of view. Also called confutation. Refutation is the key element in debate, say the authors of The Debaters Guide (2011). Refutation makes the whole process exciting by relating ideas and arguments from one team to those of the other (The Debaters Guide, 2011). In speeches, refutation and confirmation are often presented conjointly with one another (in the words of the unknown author of Ad Herrenium): support for a claim (confirmation) can be enhanced by a challenge to the validity of an opposing claim (refutation). In classical rhetoric, refutation was one of the rhetorical exercises known as the progymnasmata. Examples and Observations Refutation is the part of an essay that disproves the opposing arguments. It is always necessary in a persuasive paper to refute or answer those arguments. A good method for formulating your refutation is to put yourself in the place of your readers, imagining what their objections might be. In the exploration of the issues connected with your subject, you may have encountered possible opposing viewpoints in discussions with classmates or friends. In the refutation, you refute those arguments by proving the opposing basic proposition untrue or showing the reasons to be invalid...In general, there is a question about whether the refutation should come before or after the proof. The arrangement will differ according to the particular subject and the number and strength of the opposing arguments. If the opposing arguments are strong and widely held, they should be answered at the beginning. In this case, the refutation becomes a large part of the proof . . .. At other times when the opp osing arguments are weak, the refutation will play only a minor part in the overall proof. -Winifred Bryan Horner, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition. St. Martins, 1988 Indirect and Direct Refutation Debaters refute through an indirect means when they use counter-argument to attack the case of an opponent. Counter-argument is the demonstration of such a high degree of probability for your conclusions that the opposing view loses its probability and is rejected...Direct refutation attacks the arguments of the opponent with no reference to the constructive development of an opposing view...The most effective refutation, as you can probably guess, is a combination of the two methods so that the strengths of the attack come from both the destruction of the opponents views and the construction of an opposing view. -Jon M. Ericson, James J. Murphy, and Raymond Bud Zeuschner, The Debaters Guide, 4th ed. Southern Illinois University Press, 2011An effective refutation must speak directly to an opposing argument. Often writers or speakers will claim to be refuting the opposition, but rather than doing so directly, will simply make another argument supporting their own side. This is a fo rm of the fallacy of irrelevance through evading the issue. -Donald Lazere, Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy: The Critical Citizens Guide to Argumentative Rhetoric. Taylor Francis, 2009 Cicero on Confirmation and Refutation [T]he statement of the case . . . must clearly point out the question at issue. Then must be conjointly built up the great bulwarks of your cause, by fortifying your own position, and weakening that of your opponent; for there is only one effectual method of vindicating your own cause, and that includes both the confirmation and refutation. You cannot refute the opposite statements without establishing your own; nor can you, on the other hand, establish your own statements without refuting the opposite; their union is demanded by their nature, their object, and their mode of treatment. The whole speech is, in most cases, brought to a conclusion by some amplification of the different points, or by exciting or mollifying the judges; and every aid must be gathered from the preceding, but more especially from the concluding parts of the address, to act as powerfully as possible upon their minds, and make them zealous converts to your cause. -Cicero, De Oratore, 55 BC Richard Whately on Refutation Refutation of Objections should generally be placed in the midst of the Argument; but nearer the beginning than the end. If indeed very strong objections have obtained much currency, or have been just stated by an opponent, so that what is asserted is likely to be regarded as paradoxical, it may be advisable to begin with a Refutation. -Richard Whately, Elements of Rhetoric, 1846)​ FCC Chairman William Kennards Refutation There will be those who say Go slow. Dont upset the status quo. No doubt we will hear this from competitors who perceive that they have an advantage today and want regulation to protect their advantage. Or we will hear from those who are behind in the race to compete and want to slow down deployment for their own self-interest. Or we will hear from those that just want to resist changing the status quo for no other reason than change brings less certainty than the status quo. They will resist change for that reason alone. So we may well hear from a whole chorus of naysayers. And to all of them, I have only one response: we cannot afford to wait. We cannot afford to let the homes and schools and businesses throughout America wait. Not when we have seen the future. We have seen what high capacity broadband can do for education and for our economy. We must act today to create an environment where all competitors have a fair shot at bringing high capacity bandwidth to consumersâ€â€es pecially residential consumers. And especially residential consumers in rural and underserved areas. -William Kennard, Chairman of the FCC, July 27, 1998 Etymology: From the Old English, beat Pronunciation: REF-yoo-TAY-shun
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effectiveness Of The Security Controls On The...
Another important activity here is to establish a set of metrics and start measuring those metrics that would give a better idea impact of the breach, effectiveness of the security controls in place and the impact on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information at the organization’s disposal due to the breach. As a next step, investigation should focus on checking if the intrusion was caused due to any malware. If any malwares were detected, IR team should start analyzing the traits of the malware. If the IT team didn’t have the skillset to do so, then our organization’s IT security partners, an external consulting firm should be contacted to provide their assistance. The other tasks to be taken up within the 24 hour timeframe are, †¢ Investigation to be carried out by Mike to check if any server side files have been modified, and any files are stored in hidden folders which might provide insights into the breach. †¢ Remote access to the database to be revoked by James. †¢ Wanda to investigate inflow and out flow of data from the servers to check if they are any anomalies. †¢ Ed to gather forensic data about the inflow and outflow of network traffic. 4 STRATEGIC PLAN An organization wide strategic plan formulated to avoid or minimize the impact of incidents should focus on three integral components of any organization; People, Process and Technology. The organization currently doesn’t have any Incident Response Team which resulted in a delay in respondingShow MoreRelatedControls For Securing Removable / Portable Media2192 Words  | 9 PagesCommunications and Operations Policy 2 Policy Statement 2 Controls for securing removable/portable media: 2 Data backup procedures: 4 Separation of Duties: 6 Data collection and secure disposal of data/media: 6 Monitoring system use: 7 Protection of log information, (administrator and operator logs): 8 Protection of system documentation: 8 Antivirus: 8 Network controls: 9 Network management controls and services: 10 Exchange of information: 11 Electronic Commerce: 12 Communications and OperationsRead MoreWhat Is The Health Care Of Specific Patient Populations?1488 Words  | 6 PagesImportant features of the HIS, including alerts for review of the patient’s medical allergies prior to acknowledging an ordered medicine, protects the general patient population by providing patient-centered information each and every time an order is entered for medication. 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Mattord Vice President Editorial, Career Education Training Solutions: Dave Garza Director of Learning Solutions: Matthew Kane Executive Editor: Steve Helba Managing Editor: Marah Bellegarde Product Manager: Natalie Pashoukos Development Editor: Lynne Raughley Editorial Assistant: Jennifer Wheaton Vice President Marketing, Career Education Training Solutions: Jennifer Ann Baker Marketing Director: Deborah S. 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Interpersonal Communications Assignment Free Essays
Assignment 1 Task 1: Developing ICT skills – Discussion forum post and evaluation I submitted the following two posts to the BESC1011 discussion forum for Activity 2: (N. B. I have edited the post for typographical errors). We will write a custom essay sample on Interpersonal Communications Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Post 1. Activity 2 finding ACAP’s online resources Monday, 24 September 2012, 03:56 PM Well, I’ve just had a pleasant afternoon finding my way around the maze that’s called Myacap. Wow. I’ve found I’ve ended up with a myriad of browser pages open, and got lost thinking I was finding things. I did find it, I’m sure I found it†¦ Now where was it Anyway, I’ll get there, I’m sure, and so will you. The Grail? Not yet, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere. Incidentally, folks, if you’re having trouble finding the link to the Counselling and Therapy in Video resource, and you only get a 404 error, there’s a broken link on the site. Your browser will be trying to point to http://elibrary. acap. edu. au/http%3A%2F%2Fctiv. alexanderstreet. com and the link is broken. Instead, just try removing everything after edu. au -so you have http://elibrary. acap. edu. u and you’ll get to the elibrary homepage where the link to the videos works. Good Luck! Post 2. Activity 3. 4 Managing Stress Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 05:00 PM I’ve played sport in the past as a stress management tool – I was planning and then running a major community festival, and they were long days – it was a full-on, and if I wasn’t working on it I was thinking about it. Baseball season started right in the middle of the planning and I nearly didn’t play, but I did and found the focus on the game a real relief – Nothing else mattered for those three hours except me and the ball. My sleep patterns returned and though tired from the games, I was thoroughly relaxed. But I like this one. You may have heard of Gangnam style – dancing like you’re riding a horse – well sort of†¦ It’s come out of South Korea and it’s big around the world right now. Anyway here’s a bunch of Uni students who set up a flashmob in between classes. I reckon it did their stress levels no end of good! http://www. youtube. com/watch? NR=1;v=OAXiUmh-KBg;feature=fvwp Hey Lynda, maybe we could do this for one of our video teletutorials! Task 2: Study plan covering three weeks including strategies The study guide for Activity Three of BESC1011 referred me to RMIT. (2007). Learning styles: Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic Learning Preferences. Retrieved from https://www. dlsweb. rmit. edu. au/lsu/content/1_StudySkills/study_tuts/learning%20styles/vak. html I undertook the VAK test. The results showed I am a visual learner with a kinaesthetic inclination. This concurs with my own understanding of my learning style. I have developed a study plan incorporating this style, and provide a three week example below. Three of the learning strategies I have incorporated in this plan and my study efforts are: †¢ to create a wall planner highlighting critical assignment dates and also non-academic activities that might either clash or be a much needed relief. †¢ to use mind maps. †¢ to take frequent breaks. I have found it necessary for me to tackle each session in bites. I have allocated specific time to open up the week’s session, do the reading, then at a later time go through the session material. In thinking or planning out, I just love Mind Maps – they categorise wonderfully. I can get heavily focussed, so taking breaks stops me working till I drop. The five stress management strategies I have determined to remember to practice are: †¢ to create a comfortable pattern of studying that fits into my life. †¢ to set a regular schedule for study. †¢ to break tasks apart so they don’t daunt by being ‘too big’. †¢ resolve to do it now, when now is now. To not procrastinate. †¢ to make sure I have down-time when other activities come before studying. If I can ‘regularise’ my study I think I will be better able to both keep up a consistent level of work, and also not allow it to overcome me. I think these strategies will do that for me. Study Timetable 15-21 Oct [pic] |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday | |8-9am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site |Weekly Market |Relaxation time | | | | | | | |Shopping | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | |9-10am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |10-11am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |11am-12pm |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |12-1pm |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch [pic] | | |1-2pm |BESC Reading |SOSC reading |COUN reading |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | |Catchup | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | |7-8pm |BESC online activity |SOSC online activity |COUN online activity |[pic] |Prepare dinner |[pic] |COUN Reading | | |; Assignment |; Assignment |; Assignment | | | | | |8-9am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site |Weekly Market |[pic] | | | | | | | |Shopping |Relaxation time | | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | |9-10am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |10-11am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |11am-12pm |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |12-1pm |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |[pic] | |1-2pm |BESC reading |SOSC reading |COUN reading |[pic] | |[pic] | | | | | | |Catc hup | | | | |7-8pm |BESC Assignment |SOSC Essay Assignment|COUN Assignment |Catch-up |Prepare dinner |[pic] |SOSC Reading | |8-9am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site |Weekly Market |Relaxation time | | | | | | | |Shopping | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | |9-10am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |10-11am |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |11am-12pm |On site |On site |On site |On site |On site | | | |12-1pm |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |Lunch |[pic] | | |1-2pm |BESC reading |SOSC reading |COUN reading |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | |Catchup | | | | -8pm |COUN online activity ; Assignment |BESC online activity ; Assignment |SOSC Teletutorial |Relaxation time |Prepare dinner |[pic] |COUN Essay | |8-9pm | |BESC Chat | | | |[pic] | | | Task 3: Academic resources – Literature search and evaluation of quality I chose to attempt the task focussing on the question: The importanc e of academic referencing I undertook a brainstorming session with the following results: Academic referencing: †¢ Gives academic credibility of presented/published work. †¢ Is a key part of the overall process of building a knowledge base in the field of study. †¢ Better enables justification of assertions/ hypotheses. †¢ Is recognition of others work. †¢ Shows the way through the knowledge-base to others. †¢ Demonstrates competence in the field of study. †¢ Engenders confidence in your work’s credibility Means one’s chain of reasoning to the resultant postulations are verifiable or challengeable. The three key words or phrases I selected to use to undertake literature search are: †¢ Verification (confirmation of theoretical base) †¢ Recognition (acknowledgement) †¢ Knowledge-building (evolution of theoretical thinking) Keyword search 1. For my first search I used ACAP’s e-journal search engine focussing on The Psychinfo database and after several unsatisfactory attempts, tried the Boolean phrase ‘( academic verification) AND referencing’. Results offered ten articles, one of particular but contrarian relevance. In the journal article, Westwood, T. 2005) writes: â€Å"I’ve not yet heard a real and convincing argument about why referencing is necessary; and it can’t be right that we do it like a reflex, a compulsion, Academic’s dynamics 171 because we’ve had it drummed into us from way back when we were taught to march our way through essays and exams can it? Left, right, left, right, left, right left. . . †And, â€Å"References shouldn’t be used to justify a position we’re taking – in the sense of using them as a precedent (the characters can’t justify the author) – only to loosely accompany our position in that we (as authors) are leading the way and not hiding behind anything or anyone that we’ve written into our text. †Summary: Westwood appears to be quite a disestablishmentarian, which of itself provides a relevant perspective on the subject matter. However, because of the position the author takes and asserts by his actions – or inactions – the journal article is consciously not referenced. It would be useful to an essay on the topic in providing an academically valid and contrarian position, but most probably would not be regarded as fully reliable under close academic scrutiny. Reference: Westwood, T. (2005). Academics’ dynamics: re-writing referencing, Psychodynamic Practice 11(2), 165-176. Keyword search 2. I then utilised Google scholar for the key word, Recognition. I again used a Boolean phrase, ‘recognition AND (academic referencing)’. This search received over 40,000 possible webpage hits, but the first page of the search results provided a link to a peer reviewed article by Gray, Thompson, Clerehan and Sheard (2008), addressing the topic of referencing the internet for academic integrity. It proffers a contemporary analysis of the challenges surrounding formal academic referencing in regard to internet based information and opinion sources such as blogs, facebook , wikis and audio and video podcasting. Summary: I feel this webpage would be a highly useful and relevant reference source for an academic essay on the chosen topic. Reference: Gray, K. , Thompson, C. , Clerehan, R. , Sheard, J. (2008) Web 2. 0 authorship: Issues of referencing and citation for academic integrity. The Internet and Higher Education,11(2), 112-118. doi. org/10. 1016/j. iheduc. 2008. 03. 01 Keyword search 3. For the third key word search I used www. google. com. au with the search-phrase ‘(academic knowledge building) AND referencesà ¢â‚¬â„¢ This provided two potentially useful sites. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Knowledge_building Summary: This website site fulfilled good purpose in that it contained numerous references of relevant academic works on the topic. However, despite its authorship obviously being of academic origin, it was offered anonymously and without chronology. While the site could be referenced and the quotes used, the source is not transparent, making it dubious for direct academic purposes. And http://www. csu. edu. u/division/studserv/my-studies/learning/guides/referencing Again the material on this web page provided useful information and even a highly relevant and appropriately referenced quotation (see below), but its usefulness for the purposes of academic quotation was curtailed by its anonymity and absence of chronology. The author writes: â€Å"The academic world is all about knowledge building and the primary reason for citation, therefore, is that it encourages and supports the c ollective construction of academic knowledge (Walker ; Taylor, 2006, pp. 29-30). The paragraph continued, â€Å"Referencing also forms an essential part in avoiding any tendency towards plagiarism. While the quotation in this paragraph from Walker and Taylor (2006) is highly pertinent to the literature search, it itself would have to be searched to establish its credibility, and as the second sentence could not be attributed, it is therefore of limited use in an academic essay, however true. Summary: This webpage provided relevant information for further literature search but itself is not a useful referencing tool for academic purposes as it is undated and anonymous, and perhaps without objectivity. Task 4: Referencing using the APA style Reference List Campbell, T. , Campbell, D. , (1997) Faculty/student mentor program: effects on academic performance and retention. Research in Higher Education 38(6), 727-742. Hounsell, D. , Entwistle, N. , (2005) Enhancing teaching-learning envi ronments in undergraduate courses. Final report to the Economic and Social Research Council on TLRP Project LI39251009. Retrieved from How to cite Interpersonal Communications Assignment, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Sequel to The Great Gatsby Essay Example For Students
The Sequel to The Great Gatsby Essay Over the years, the Buchanans continued to live their lavish, carefree lifestyle free of hardships. Tom came into considerable luck and inherited the estate of a rich uncle whom he never knew, nevertheless Tom and Daisy gladly accepted these assets. They put the money to good use by building a large palace on the south end of East Egg. The erecting of this mansion was due to the fact that Daisy could no longer stomach the idea of living across from a villainous louse, which was the new title she gave her former lover Gatsby. In all truth, Daisy wanted to eliminate all memory of Gatsby and fabricated an elaborate lie about the incident at Wilsons garage. She had her gullible husband believe that Gatsby engaged her in an intense argument in the car, and that he was so infuriated, he swerved to hit Myrtle out of spite towards Daisy. Of course, this infuriated Tom and he had all the once beautiful windows of Gatsbys estate shattered and even impounded his prized yellow car. Ironically, this only brought the imprudent couple together as Daisy strained to forget about Gatsbys existence. We will write a custom essay on The Sequel to The Great Gatsby specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now For two years the couple experienced the extreme luxuries that the world had to offer. They dined at the trendiest restaurants in Europe; they kept company with people who had so many titles that their first names were not even known and oddly, they experienced feelings for one another comparable to love. Tom and Daisy enjoyed one anothers company and were at the height of the social ladder. Unfortunately, on a rainy day in rural England Tom and Daisy were driving and Tom nearly hit a farmer crossing the road. Tom shouted rude obscenities at the terrified farmer and told Daisy that he was thankful he did not hit anyone of importance. Daisy on the other hand, was especially disturbed and for two weeks did not leave their condo in London. The Buchanan eventually returned to East Egg and resided at their southern mansion for the next eight years. Pammy who had learned to cherish the cultured and haughty lifestyle of Europe came to resent her mother because she believed the reason they left was because of her sudden illness. After a few years, the Buchanans settled back into the familiar affluent positions they held in East Egg. Tom rekindled his fondness of his weekly polo matches and worked on maintaining his Herculean physique. Pammy flourished into a stunning young lady, with the aid of Jordan who dressed her in only white. In contrast to her daughter, Daisy who was once a beautiful dazzling flower began to whither away almost as if someone was plucking away her petals. Laughter had left her once bright and lovely face and she took to wearing pale earth tones and shades of grey. Every night when everyone in the household was asleep, Daisy was kept awake by reoccurring thoughts of the incident at Wilsons garage. She often sat at her window and gazed North to her old home where the green light at the end of the dock mesmerized her. To Daisy, the green light was symbolic of Gatsby, who was haunting her and calling out for her to tell the truth and let him and Myrtle rest. Daisy had become overcome with guilt and became a recluse refusing the company of anyone but her preferred maid. Tom found himself alone and rather embarrassed of his wifes conduct. The summer was a time of important social gatherings, and he was left with no companion. To save face, he called upon the company of Jordan Baker to attend social functions with him. Initially, the relationship was strictly one of business, but it soon after blossomed into a furtive romance. .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 , .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .postImageUrl , .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 , .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:hover , .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:visited , .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:active { border:0!important; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:active , .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682 .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5533e8baac11b4411b76b778bddbc682:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Albert Einstein Biography EssayTom felt comfortable with Jordan, the two were essentially made for one another; they both carried an air of arrogance and lacked a sense of morality. Ironically, Tom bought Jordan an immensely glamorous 5-room condo in New York, right across from his old apartment with Myrtle. He moved Pammy there to live with her accepted surrogate mother Jordan. Tom and Jordan made many public appearances together as a couple. Daisy through her maid learned of their new affiliation and confronted Tom on one of his few visits home. Tom became exasperated and accused Daisy of being selfish and told her that she had no right to comment on his relationship with Jordan since she is never there for him. Daisy continued to disagree and before Tom left for the last time for New York he attacked her with his massive hand breaking her fragile nose. For a few days, Daisy lay alone not even accepting the care of her maid, contemplating her tragic existence. One night, as she lay awake on her divan, she felt the calling of the green light; she went out onto the balcony and gazed at its purity, longing to be with it. Then, a sudden lunacy possessed her and she adorned one of her beloved white dresses, ornamented herself with jewellery, painted a respectable face and went to the shore. She lay down in the shallow pool of cleanliness surrounding herself with its perceived clarity and began to swim to her best ability. As she struggled against the current she relived the tragedy of Myrtles death and her disloyalty to Gatsby, which ultimately caused his destruction. As she sank deeper into the water, she lost site of her aspiration and let her lungs fill with water as she rid herself of responsibility, innocence and life.
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