Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Organic Foods - 1393 Words
Organic Foods Courtney Rathmann HLTH 232 10/1/2017 Hearing the term organic foods, we think what are those and how do they compare to conventional foods? Organic foods and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. And animals that produce organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones. Conventional foods are the total opposite of organic foods. These foods contain the use of chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides, chemical weed killers, use of genetically modified organisms which can deliver consistent crops, and the restriction of only one or two crops†¦show more content†¦They feel that we have more options available to us rather than 5 years ago. We can choose to make smarter choices with the conventional foods. Lots of the conventional foods we eat are genetically modified. And these foods are known to be as GMO’s. Within these conventional foods there is no nu tritional value with the pesticides that are used to help grow and fertilize these foods. Some pros to these foods are that they control the occurrence of certain diseases. Keyword certain, not all, or many! Can help alter allergies due to the DNA in foods being altered. These foods grow way faster, which means greater productivity and more food. Financial gain can occur as well as helping people fight poverty. Can also help people who lack nutrients, these foods contain more minerals and vitamins. And they have an increased shelf life, which reduces the rotten foods rate on shelves. Some cons include harmful effects on the human body, leading to development of diseases that are immune to antibiotics. Increases a higher chance of Americans developing cancer. Very unnatural way of producing foods, increased health hazard with allergens, and the transfer of antibiotic resistance markers and unknown effects. Also, leads to a potential environmental impact (cross pollination). And this may be something that’s good for right now, but it might not be good for consumption in the long run. The best thing to do is avoid these foods, and by that we can look at the PLU codeShow MoreRelatedApa Syphilis650 Words  | 3 PagesNames - Pros: Jasmine, Naloni Names – Cons: Da’Shawn, Brea Date: 11/17/15 Course: Speech Eng 112-22 General Purpose: To Pursuade Specific Purpose: To motivate those who consume conventional produce to choose organic food ------------------------------------------------- Food or Fungus: Conventional vs Organic 1. Introduction- Have you ever asked yourself, how healthy your food really is? We will provide information on the subject for you. With spending money on foods, which hasRead MoreFactors Influencing The Positioning Of Crescent712 Words  | 3 Pagesprice and carry out promotional activities 2. What factors should influence the positioning of Crescent? 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Contemporary Sociological Theory Final Exam - 2166 Words
Contemporary Sociological Theory Final Exam Section I, Question 1: In Shearing and Stenning’s â€Å"From the Panopticon to Disney World,†the world-renowned fantasy amusement park is revealed to be a compelling embodiment of Michel Foucault’s ideas regarding the disciplinary society. In Foucault’s writings on the prison panopticonâ€â€his idea of a perfected disciplinary institution of a disciplinary societyâ€â€Foucault describes how inmates (or Disney’s guests) behavior and movements is overseen and tightly controlled (Dillon, p. 371). This level of control is clear from the moment you enter Disney: barriers, guardrails, and directions guide you to preordained locations, and Disney employees and rides reinforce those restrictions and guidances at numerous points throughout your visit (Shearing, p. 301-302). More significantly, in the panopticon design, inmates are always under surveillance. Further, inmates are aware they are always under surveillanceâ€â€even if they cannot see th eir supervisorâ€â€so that they begin monitoring their own actions to conform with rules and restrictions (Dillon, p. 371). At Disney, once a guest breaks the rules or regulations, they quickly become aware that they are being surveilled. Park employees in unassuming costumes seemingly unrelated to security or rule-enforcement are trained to enforce rules and hold guests accountable as soon as they act out-of-line, making clear to guests that they are always being surveilled even if they cannot see the supervisorsShow MoreRelatedSociology A2 Revision 2012 34479 Words  | 18 PagesUnit 3 exam: Wednesday 13th June, am Unit 4 exam: Tuesday 19th June, pm Easter Revision: tbc A2 Syllabus: AQA Sociology GCE (new specification) Unit 3: Mass Media (SCLY3) Worth 20% of your final A Level Written paper, 1 hour 30 minutes 60 marks available Unit 4: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods (SCLY4) Worth 30% of your final A Level Written paper, 2 hours 90 marks available Timetable Use your revision checklists to draw up a timetable for revision leading up to the exam. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Danielles Gordon Rule Architecture Essay Free Essays
string(101) " rites and beliefs besides played an highly of import portion in the lead up to a asleep entombment\." For my Gordon Rule Paper I have decided to compose about the Egyptians since I have ever found them intriguing. The primary subject I will be discoursing would be the manner in which the antediluvian Egyptians would see, and considered decease, due to how immensly different we as Americans view decease today. The huge bulk of Americans fear decease more than anything else. We will write a custom essay sample on The Danielles Gordon Rule Architecture Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now We go to great lengths to guarantee our wellness, saftey, and endurance. To us there is nil worse than decease, whereas to every Egyptian decease was seen as a desirable transmutation, ? the transition of the true ageless life? ( Guide to The Valley of The Kings page 159, 1996 ) . Death in no case was considered a calamity or an terminal but as a welcomed ansition into the Afterlife. As decease was of such an importance it was necessary that great attention be taken for a smooth passage to immortality, this is a major ground that the Pharaohs contents of the grave were of such importance. Egyptians accent on the importance of rites, imposts and beliefs every bit good as funerary architecture can be seen clearly in the find of the grave of King Tutankhamun, or as most people know him King Tut. The planning that went into every Pharaohs grave was highly complex, as each grave was significantly different in footings of the grave layout and wall ornaments. The tombs construction and lay out had to somehow reflect the formation and projection of the solar star. Wall ornaments in the grave Don? t represent the Pharaohs mundane life but that of their Afterlife and the challenges the Pharaoh has to set about in order to make the Kingdom of Orisis – land of the Afterlife. These graves were expansive and consisted of a figure of suites and courtyards, grave walls were normally stoned lined walls and limestone columns. This type of grave was built below the land, as normally the chapel was built on the surface and the burial Chamberss below the land. Rock cut chapels were more normally used by Pharaohs and those of the richer society as the bouldery parts of Egypt best suited the edifice of these graves. The Nile country was bouldery and featured many drops, so these were first-class locations for the film editing of the graves straight in the hillside. The most common chapel consisted of a door which lead into a transverse hall, behind which was a corridor that ra n directly to the drop. Over clip stone grave became more luxuriant, and became more cosmetic and narrower as they now ran straight into the drop, these graves were the most impressing of all the grave in Egypt, as they featured expansive frontages frequently with pillars and big staircases. Tombs contained wall ornaments, which dealt with the Afterlife and the way the Pharaoh will take to make the land of Orisis. A royal grave could be completed within a few months for a simple grave or for a more larger and complex grave it varied from six to ten old ages. Decorations varied for each Pharaoh from luxuriant pictures to imitations of papyrus. All texts painted on walls were taken from? the great charming faith anthologies of the clip such as the Book of the Dead and the Book of the Earth? ( Guide to the Valley of The Kings page26, 1996 ) . These charming and spiritual texts were drawn on the walls for the deceased to inform, and usage as a valuable tool for them to do certain that t hey had adequate cognition of charming expressions for them to utilize during the Afterlife. The New Kingdom royal graves featured ceiling ornaments, which included star maps, which represented the day-to-day birth of the Sun. Puting a burial underneath a symbolic symbol was considered of great importance for the Resurrection of the organic structure. Texts and drawings on grave walls contained assorted colorss ; each coloring material used represent Egyptian rites. Colorss such as white represents Silver, Blackrepresented decease and ageless saving and Red represents fire and blood. As a lead up to the star the life of the deceased is painted, including all facets of the asleep households life. Today we chiefly bury our loved 1s in conformity with thier wants, or in a cemetery next to other asleep loved 1s. We bury them six pess under-ground, ( typically ) but merely because that is the minimum deepness a disintegrating cadaver can be buried without holding any consequence on the u niverse under-which it was buried. Typically it takes about seven yearss from the clip we die untill we are laid to rest. That allows us plentifulness of clip to take a good grave sight, excavation it up, lay the dead down, state some sort words, and make full the hole once more. Ancient Egyptians, on the other manus, took well longer.Before a organic structure was buried the procedure of embalming took topographic point for 70 yearss. Historian Herodotus Tells of three classs of mummification that depended upon the sum of money the deceased had. The most expensive process was the embalming which resembled the God Osiris. The ritual took topographic point normally within 70 yearss and a contract was drawn up between the embalmer? s and the asleep household, which specifies the sum of clip the embalming process will take topographic point. The organic structure was so placed on a wooden tabular array and was purified by rinsing the organic structure in a solution of Nutron. The encep halon was removed from thenasal pit, and the venters was cut and all variety meats were removed and so purified with olfactory property. Once the variety meats were removed they were placed into jars and placed inside the grave. The organic structure is so stuffed with straw, sawdust, clay or linen ; this assists in retaining the deaths organic structures form and is besides wrapped with linen and patchs. Egyptian rites and beliefs besides played an highly of import portion in the lead up to a asleep entombment. You read "The Danielles Gordon Rule Architecture Essay" in category "Essay examples" The instillment of the entombment, and its grave content, takes topographic point outside the grave. The conveyance of thebody to the grave took signifier of a ritual emanation that usually began on the East bank of the Nile River. After traversing the river to the West the organic structure was placed on a sleigh and drawn by cattle to the grave. Close to the mummy stood two adult females w ho usually were used to portray the diving grievers Isis and Nephthys who represented the married woman and sister of the God Osiris followed by grievers of the deceased. The last griever in the emanation burnt incense and sprinkled milk at the emanation as they wound their manner to the grave. Ritual terpsichoreans, known as Muu and a priest who honours the deceased now greet the emanation. The ancient rite of the â€Å" gap of the oral cavity †now takes topographic point ; this is the most important portion of the burial traditions, as the intent of this ceremonial is to reconstruct the ma and their power of address, sight and hearing.The organic structure has now completed the first portion of Egyptian rites. When the asleep approaches the Entrance of the grave a priest who impersonates the God Anubis stands the organic structure in an unsloped place. The priest now touches the oral cavity of the deceased with ritual instruments, which now restores their senses. The follo wing phase is the offering of apparels, unctions and offerings of nutrient so the asleep can take them into the Afterlife. The ma is now ready to be placed into it? s burial chamber, after the door is sealed all footmarks around the grave is swept off and the last rites are read. The phases taking up to the entombment of the deceased was an built-in portion of the Egyptians beliefs and rites, as the Egyptians regarded the dead as being really much alive, populating in their graves like they had antecedently lived in their places. This nexus between the house and the grave was really of import, the grave chapel was normally referred to? the house of infinity? . Outside the chapel it was common to see alcoholics gardens, and tombs environing as Cemeteries were planned to look like illumination metropoliss like the one at Giza. All the above beliefs and rites were clearly uncovered in November 1922 by British archeologist Howard Carter when he discovered the integral grave of King Tutankhamun. Analysis of Tutankhaman? s ma reveals that he was aproxamatly 18 old ages old when he died. The Kings life is still a enigma to this twenty-four hours as historiographers such as Carter believes that it? s about impossible to state whether the King was a victim of unwellness, accident, blackwash or was physically frail like his old inheritors when he passed off. Historians identified the month of his decease to be that of January by analyzing the types of fruit and flowers such as the strawflower which were buried with him. The strawflower normally reaches adulthood in March, and from these findings it is believed that? Amenophis III last boy died some clip in January 1343? ( Tutankhamun and the Discovery of the Tomb page 158, 1972 ) . Tutankhamuns grave features a simple design, which is typical of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The grave features starts, corridors, and Chamberss. The male monarch grave has a figure of suites such as the Annexe, Antechamber, Burial Chamber and the exchequer and all of these suites featured important ornaments. King Tutankhamens grave was so alone as the hoarded wealths inside the grave lay undisturbed to robbers, and during digging Carter recovered over three thousand five 100 articles such as expansive elegant furniture, statues, jewelry, and shrines that were placed in his grave to assist him through to the Afterlife.The male monarchs decease like other Pharaohs was a expansive matter, and was mourned by all of Egypt. By and large after a Pharaohs decease there was a three-month interval between his decease and his entombment. During this clip the complex rite of embalming took topographic point. The embalming of a Pharaoh was known as the? House of Vigor? ( Tutankhamen: Life and Death of a Pharaoh page 163, 1965 ) in which the Pharaohs organic structure was purified and all drosss were removed. After the concluding stage of the mummification ritual takes topographic point, the Pharaoh now passes into infinity. When King Tutankhamuns organic structure was bandaged, each bed contained a hoarded wealth such as aureate objects. When the Kings organic structure was unwrapped over 143 hoarded wealths were found such as pendents, talismans and aureate cots. Like the hoarded wealths wrapped in between the patchs the grave itself was fluxing with hoarded wealths, ? About everything was made of cherished stuff, and gold? this covered a broad mixture of articles necessary to guarantee infinity for the dead? ( Tutankhamun and the Discovery of the Tomb page 70, 1972 ) . All of the Kings suites inside the grave featured important ornaments. The Antechamber held the Tuta royal throne, which is one of the best known objects, found inside the grave. This throne engaged wood with sheets of gold and its dorsum is covered with a scene of the Pharaoh and his married woman Ankhesenamun. The burial chamber features the first wooden casket and the Kings ma. The scenes painted on walls show King Tutankhamun with his Ka at the ceremonial of the? gap of the oral cavity? ( The Discovery of the Tomb Tutankhamun page 37, 1977 ) and his replacement Ay. His burial bay the? ruddy quartzite sarcophagus? ( The Discovery of the Tomb Tutankhamun page 39, 1977 ) casket had five caskets, the first to the 3rd were apelike wooden caskets, the Forth was aureate and the fifth was his ma. The King Tutankhamuns entombment was the same as any Pharaoh and followed all rites and beliefs every bit good as mummification rules. The lone difference was that the King was so immature at the clip of his decease and that boulder clay this twenty-four hours no other grave has been uncovered that all points inside the grave are still integral.It can be seen that burial and decease in general in Egypt was of tremendous importance within the Egyptian society particularly when it was refering person of h igher position like that of a Pharaoh. Egyptians believed in the Afterlife and this played an of import portion in reenforcing the rites and beliefs of decease in Egyptian society as decease was non believed to be the terminal but the beginning of 1s life. This is why rites and beliefs every bit good as architecture and ornaments of graves were emphasised and carried out in the visible radiation of 1s decease. When an antediluvian Egyptian died, he was non buried into the land, mourned and so bury, as people are today. Nor was his grave merely visited at certain times and some nominal words spoken over it, so that one time once more he is forgotten until following visit, like so many of us do. Maybe its the manner we as people have evolved to get by with the hurting of fring a loved one. We as a state do non believe that decease is a good thing in any manner, and we are taught from bith to fear it and fly it for every bit long as we perchance can. I for one bash non fear decease. No t that I look upon it as a good thing like Egyptians, merely as a nessesary thing that all of us must hold happen. How to cite The Danielles Gordon Rule Architecture Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
World History free essay sample
The invention of printing from 1471 to the 15th century began with an abundant of printing presses in Europe. With the spread of printing presses more information was spread. If it weren’t for the help of the printing press there would not have been important information spread. The printing press spread like wild fire. To give a better understanding of how fast the printing press was expanding, â€Å"Germany at the time was turning out about a million books a year. †(Mann, doc 3). It was very helpful when it came to getting news out. It also changed over years, from people manually copying to a machine writing it. The map of 1471, which is document, two shows that the printing press was more scarce and centered in one area. It was most general in Germany. Going 29 years in the future in the 15th century the invention of the printing press spread through out Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on World History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With the announcement of the printing press it spread out in Europe to make communication easier. In the 15th century it was easier having the printing press as a resource to copy because technology was more available to people than it was in 1471. All books were printed in Germany. Columbus discovered a new world but how was he suppose to let everyone know about the New World? He wrote a letter, and he had it published and with the invention of the printing press he was able to get the word out on the new world in different languages so more people will come to the new world. I found many islands inhabited by men with out number of all which I took possession for our most fortunate king (Columbus, doc 6). In other words he found land but living by men. Another example of the help of the printing press did was when Luther published three books. His books were about religion and it helped to get the word of God out. â€Å"According to one estimate a third of all books printed in Germ any betetween1518 and 1525 were by him†(Mann, doc 3). Luther’s words spread like a tsunami. In document one when the first exemplar of a printing press when somebody manually copied the original document as the technology came available they moved from copying it to a machine that would use ink and be a much more convenient process. â€Å"The two images portray the significantly different methods used to produce books before and after Guten bergs invention of the printing press. †(No author, doc 1). The printing press benefits our learning today and helps communicate everyone around the world.
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